Spring 2024 Recruitment



01/16 - 01/25 : Coffee Chats

Meet with us one on one and ask any questions you have!
Sign up

Diversity Night: 1/22 @ 8:30 PM - 10PM | Social Sciences Building 166

Join us to hear more about what diversity and inclusion means to BIC and hear about underrepresented members experiences.

Infosession 1: 1/23 @ 8PM-10PM | Social Sciences Building 166

Join us to hear more about BIC, our Team, and the recruiting process! The Info Session will be followed by networking time with BIC members.

Infosession 2: 1/24 @ 8PM - 10PM | Social Sciences Building 166

Join us to hear more about BIC, our Team, and the recruiting process! The Info Session will be followed by networking time with BIC members.

Case Workshop: 1/25 @8PM-10PM | Social Sciences Building 166

We will walk applicants through a case for the technical part of the interview process.

Application Due: 1/26 (Friday) @ 12 PM

Our application consists of a simple resume drop and a few short questions.

First Round: Case Interview | 1/27 (Saturday) | *By Invitation Only

The first round of interview will be technical. We will be assessing the applicants thinking and rationale through case interviews.

Second Round: Social Mixer | 1/27 (Saturday): *By Invitation Only |

Come chat with the board and current BIC consultants in a casual setting

Third Round: Behavioral Interviews | 1/28 (Sunday) *By Invitation Only |

The second round will be assessing the applicants through a behavioral interview.