Made at UC Berkeley

Global innovation with localized insights. Berkeley International Consulting (BIC) aims to be a diverse, inclusive community for students with a drive to apply curiosity and forward-facing creativity in service of companies all over the globe.

Our Story

Berkeley International Consulting was founded in the summer of 2020. Since its inception, the club’s mission has expanded to offer a broader set of services to companies based all over the world. Besides working with international clients to offer recommendations in important areas like DE&I, marketing, and sustainability, BIC has partnered with student-run consulting organizations at some of the best business schools in the world. Our broad international experience ensures that we approach each project with a fresh perspective; a priority in today’s borderless economy.


We pride ourselves on:

  • Strength in diversity & inclusion

    • We believe that localized, global innovation is best achieved with the synergy of minds from diverse majors, years, nationalities, cultural backgrounds, and skill sets. We don’t just recruit diversity — we nurture it.

  • A drive for constant growth, both personal and club-wide

    • Our members are consistently engaged in their own growth and the growth of our club, giving and receiving constructive feedback, and supporting each other as we progress.

  • The international nature of our work

    • We maintain a unique niche within the consulting club landscape on campus, conducting an average of four projects with clients each from a different country every semester. We aim to bridge global knowledge gaps and to progress in service of a globalized world.

Qualities We Look For

Open Mindedness

An openness both to new opportunities and knowledge, and to new people, cultures and backgrounds


An ability to work well in teams of diverse people, pulling weight, contributing to team morale and adapting to different situations in a way that creates a whole more than the sum of its parts


A forward-facing attitude, informed by self-reflection and constructive feedback, recognizing that personal growth contributes to the growth of the club

Our goals for you…

  • To find a like-minded and diverse family of fellow students, bound together by genuine connections and unique backgrounds

  • To broaden your horizons, in working with people, cultures and challenges from all over the world

  • To develop as a leader, via an accelerated pace of opportunities in a high-growth student organization

Learn about our Global Network!

Check out our experiences!